Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Marriage Census is Misleading?

Yesterday I posted on the NY Times piece stating that marriage was slowly becoming the minority in America. Today Dr. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, states that the census is actually misleading. The issue, Dr. Mohler argues, is not that marriage is declining, but that it has been severely weakened. It is not that American's don't marry, he states, but that they don't stay married. Longevity is the real issue.

The responsibilities of Christians and churches that I spoke to yesterday still stand, however. If longevity is the weak area of American marriages instead of initial commitment it only means we change our strategy to educate the church on marraige, not that we abandon it. I hope to explore in further detail how the church is to minister for Christ to marriages in the coming days.

For more on this see the commentary posted by Dr. Mohler: http://www.albertmohler.com/blog_read.php?id=793


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