Friday, December 02, 2005

Russ Moore and the Witches Curse

I pointed out yesterday that Russ Moore has written a new article, which he gave at the ETS Confrence this year, on male headship. It is a worthwhile article to read that clearly and biblically argues for God-ordained roles in the home and church. Since the release of this article and the speech, however, many have responded to his use of the word patriarchy, most notably a self-identified witch!

An organization of Witches online has responded to Moore's call for a return to Christian patriarchy by requesting that he be re-incarnated as a barren woman in a patriachal society. I don't think Moore has much to worry about, but his response and the actual article are both available online at the Carl F. Henry Institute, which you will find amongst my links. If the word patriarchy concerns you I suggest reading this article before you too make the blunder of discounting Moore.


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