Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Dunham Family Vision

Randy Stinson, Director of the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, in his article "Show Yourself a Man," from the recent issue of The Southern Seminary Magazine, listed 9 areas where the husband should lead out in the home. The article is an outstanding piece and I highly recommend all men to read it.

Stinson writes, "While manhood requires obedience to God, there is a particular context in which this will be worked out. In other words, the way in which Solomon is to work out his commitment to God will be particularly masculine. It is going to be in the context of leading, providing, and protecting. " "Biblical manhood is lived out in a particular manner, a manner that means while it has the same moral and spiritual constraints of biblical womanhood, it will many times look very different in its expression since it is seen most clearly in the role of leader, provider, and protector."

Within the article Stinson's list of 9 ways that a husband should lead in a home stands out as most impressive to me. Not only is it very counter cultural to talk this way, but in many Christian contexts it is even unheard of to speak of men as being so "active". I was particularly struck by Stinson's suggestion that husbands should initiate the development of a family vision. "This is the big picture," Stinson writes, "of what priorities your family should have, what you want your family to look like...what kind of home enviroment you want." He followed this suggestion up with an equally impressive one. Not only should we write up a vision for our family but we should map out a direction also, that is a map of how your family is going to fulfill its vision. "Here is where you map out the details of the vision. These are the daily, weekly, and monthly steps you are going to take in order to bring about the vision you have already agreed upon."

I was amazed by this rather simple suggestion, and so Krista and I took to the task and composed our own family vision and direction. This task was not only fun but it helped us to think about what we most wanted for our family and how we could best achieve it. I have posted our family Vision and Direction on my article's page, which can be found to the left under the title "Links" and "David's Articles". I'd encourage all husbands to consider doing this task to help your families think about where you are going and how, exactly, you are getting there. Let's be leaders in the home to the Glory of God.


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