Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Reading Church History

Last week I finished reading volume one of Justo L. Gonzalez's famous work on the history of Christianity. Gonzalez has written one of the most well crafted pieces of historical surveys I have ever read. Covering the expanse of early Christianity, the theological debates, and even the lesser known developments of Christianity in the East and Spain. This is a book that is both easy to read and yet refrains from being shallow or merely entertaining. Though Gonzalez is not an evangelical his book is written with such historical accuracy that it rare that one finds major disagreement with the author. On his writings about the canon and the role of preaching in the early church I think he is wrong, but other than these I can think of only a few other issues that he is incorrect on. For those interested in reading about the development of the early church and the historical roots of our faith I recommend this two volume set to you, it will be hard to find a better work.


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