Celebratign 1 Year
This month marks the one year anniversary of our membership at Third Avenue Baptist Church. There is much to celebrate on this occassion.
Since coming to Third Avenue I have seen great growth in my family's spiritual life. Both myself and my wife have learned more and more that Biblical Spirituality means loving the members of your local church. I had, perhaps, known this prior to coming to Third. But it is was here that we saw it more clearly lived out, and it was here that we have more fully participated in it.
We joined Third Avenue expecting that it was a local church where we could contribute, which is true. But in return we have found more blessings that we could have originally imagined. We've gained significant friendships that will last a life time, Biblical training in the ministry, Christian education from the preached word, and we've seen the love of Christ clearly displayed as members pray for us, lead us, care for us, and correct us.
As we celebrate our first year at Third Avenue Baptist Church we are celebrating God's grace. Membership in the local church is hugely important and in giving it to us God has given us much to be thankful for. Chief among all those benefits of church membership is the continual fresh reminder that I am a great sinner, and Christ is a great savior.