Friday, February 24, 2006

Motherhood Undermines Womanhood?

That is the sentiment of prominent feminist thinker Linda Hirshman. Last year some signs developed suggesting a new trend to return to an old concept, "The Stay At Home Mom." This news was disturbing to Hirshman and she came out with pistols firing. Usually one thinks of feminists as male-haters, who assail every form of masculinity and endorse every form of female power- but here we have a woman who is stomping her foot to the rythm of an attack on her own gender. Al Mohler's blog for today relates the recent interview Hirshman did on "Good Morning America" over the terrible news of increasing stay at home moms. Mohler responds to the news coverage and Hirshman's own personal research wisely and biblically:

The Christian response to this article must be a combination of refutation, amazement, and affirmation of motherhood. Hirshman's article and media appearances can serve to remind us all of the unspeakably high calling of motherhood and to the sacrifices that so many women make, day in and day out, to the raising of children, the nurture of the home, and the shaping of civilization itself.

"Motherhood" most certainly is not a dreadful thing, and the "stay-at-home-mom" is not to be scorned or looked down upon, but rather she is to be lifted up and we should thank the Lord for such women. We should be thankful that more and more women are seeing the value and importance of the family, thank the Lord that even young women who graduate from Ivy League schools are seeing this. What lasting value is there in the work force? Certainly there must be some value, but it pails in comparison to the value of the home! "Stay-at-home-moms," I salute you this day!

I commend this blog entry to you:


Blogger Lisa said...

While feminists have helped in advancing "rights" for women, I am concerned that they wouldn't support women choosing to do what they want to do. On the other hand, the workforce doesn't exactly support women wanting to make mothering priority. It's sometimes difficult to get time off when needed, especially the usually poor maternity leave policies. Most jobs don't give women options, such as part-time postitons or job sharing. I think women have a lot to offer the workforce, if the job offers flexibility for her first priority of motherhood.

2:51 PM  

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