Thursday, December 15, 2005

Why Preaching?

As many churches cancel services for Christmas, others will un-doubtedly be doing some sort of holiday program in place of the traditional Sunday morning worship service. Yet the supplanting of the preached word with these productions raises many questiosn about why we should have a sermon at all, on any given sunday. To help us answer this questions Al Mohler has written a wonderful commentary on why we preach.

I encourage all those in the ministry, or thinking of being in the ministry, to read this commentary (as well as the two articles that are to follow it in the days ahead). But not only should ministers and pastors, and pastoral students read this but all Christians should consider this questions: Why do we preach? The sermon is not a mere man made idea, it is God-ordained and thus when our churches see the importance of the preached word and return it to its central place in the gathering of the church then reformation to the body of Christ will come.


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